Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is there any legit investment money left for hip hop, or is everything really as soiled as it seems?
I am calculating my business expenses for the summer...dam'n being an indie mogul is expensive.
Cavs don't go to the championship, Lebron needs a better team; the Lakers don't go to the championship, it's Kobe's fault.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wow. Magic 106 to Cavs 90. I wonder if the Lebron fans and Kobe haters will look at King James with the same jaded and pessimistic eyes they did Kobe. Lol
My next book that Im reading is called The Go Getter by Peter B. Kyne
Message to the world:
Dream big, plan always, fail often, and succeed after that! -Quanstar

Snippet from "Water From Turnips" by Quanstar out in September 2009

Due to the fact that I was an excellent underachiever I became comfortable with the mundane. Success scared me. I know you may be thinking, “What the fuck are you talking about? How could you be scared of success?”. Some of you say that I was stupid, and I was; however, the same cats that are speaking it out of the
sides of their necks are probably the same ones that are scared of success because they are probably scared to fail.

Failure has always petrified me. For whatever reason, I’ve always looked at things from the “What if it doesn’t work out?” angle. And because of this, everything for the better part of my life has ended in one of two ways:
< I work hard and bust my ass to only get close to the end and give up
< I ignore the whole situation all together, and hope it will go away because I think it would be too much work

I squandered so many years and so many opportunities to improve myself by living this way. This is my struggle. Not the music, booking shows, or my documentary. Everyday I fight to never go back to that person. That person believed that you were given a hand by life, and sometimes you were lucky enough to get good cards.

That person believed that being undervalued is what life was all about. That person was a fucking idiot, and I promise I will never be that person again. I realized that failure was a seed of success. You can’t get ahead without it, and we often fail at something a multitude of times before we succeed. This book alone attests to that.
“Water From Turnips” is currently my eighth attempt at writing a book since 1999. After I found ACN, I read just about everything in existence on anything that had to do with success. So much so that all the information that I was taking in began to blur together. So I decided to develop, with all of my unpracticed knowledge, 20 principles of success. Not only that, through delusion and arrogance, I decided to write a book called nothing other than “20 Principles Of

This was an incredibly stupid idea on so many levels, the biggest one being that I had no idea what success was. I mean, I’d read about it, I’d known people that were successful; however, I’d never experienced it in the way I was going to
write about it. Hell, I was only in ACN 4 months when I got this bright idea. I remember I had this huge outline with all of these laws. I’d even gone as far as to come up with the idea for the book cover. There was only one thing missing...
personal examples. So after a long, hard examination I realized that writing a book about principles that I had not practiced enough to know if they worked was pretty unethical. Besides, I couldn’t get passed the ninth page.

My second book was called “God Is...”. It was supposed to be about what my next chapter is. It was going to be in dialogue form. God having a conversation with me. Then I read “Conversations With God”. That ended that.

My third book was called “Marriage...What Am I A Fucking Idiot?” It was a book about my exploits as a bachelor, and the keys to getting sex in three dates or less. I actually wrote 30 pages of this before deciding against it. For one, telling
dudes my secrets to getting sex would actually decrease my chances of it. Two, if women read that book I probably wasn’t going to be getting sex very often.

Next I was going to write a book about the Matrix, and how I apply all of the movie’s symbolisms to the rest of my life. This was actually a great idea, being that I was borderline obsessive compulsive over the movie. When it was out on the big screen, I literally saw it 55 times. I own the trilogy, and I watch it at least once a month. This actually counts as a fourth, fifth, and sixth. For whatever
reason, I couldn’t get past page 40. There was really no reason why either, I just got stuck all three times.

My seventh time was going to be my day to day memoirs. I was going to keep a diary for 2007 that would show how I did business, and lived my life. I was going to start every week and month off with what my goals are. Then at the end
of the day I would write about what happened. The problem with this one was that I had too much shit going on in my life, heart, and head to finish this book.

Plus, telling people my daily innermost thoughts made me feel kind of like a bitch. Especially since I was pretty depressed over what had happened with
Ebony and I.

I even started writing this book with a whole different premise in mind. It was going to be about the woes of the music business, and how it eats people up. That idea only lasted a day. I don’t want to discourage people from being in the
industry. Nor do I want folks to think that I hate the business. I hate the people in the business. It’s a difference.

If this book didn’t work out, I would start another later on. Eventually I would finish. This is what success is about. Who cares if something doesn’t work out the first time, or the second time, or even the two thousandth time? The only thing that matters is that I finish. This is my new life’s philosophy.
Im working on an effective way to introduce multiplication to my son. Any suggestions?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Kobe has scored 500 points for the 4th time in his career. The only player to do it more times was Michael Jordan @ 8.
The Lakers have made the playoffs 56 of its 61 years in existence, and going to its 30th NBA championship.
@dlabrie Who was Chauncey supposed to light up? Kobe is the best player in the game...period.
What happened to Mello? He was pretty nonexistent
Wow. Wow. Wow. The Lakers are back in the championship!!
Watching Rocky III: Dead Meat on Hulu:
JJ's goals are to be a firefighter, get the flipem frogs game, swim well, be in the jungle like a monkey, write better
I just finished "32 Ways to be a Champion in Business" by Magic Johnson. It's a must read for anyone in business for themselves.
I want to tour with Sir Mixalot.
I'm on a caboat with solid gold rutters and 26 inch spinners

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Correction...Quanstar is the social network whore. Janale Harris is just an innocent bystander
...vox, shoutem, streetmavens, radar, my yearbook, and photobucket. The good thing is that I update them all through one journal, bebo, hi5, mashable, kwippy, xanga, wordpress, koornk, digo, youare, multiply, flickr, utterli, imeem, seemic
Right now, I belong to twitter, facebook, aim, plurk, myspace, linked in, tumblr, identi, brightkite, friendfeed, jaiku, 2 bloggers...
I'm back from the Arby's training, which was actually pretty great. We didn't talk about roast beef at all, believe it or not.
I am @ this 9 hour training with Arby's. I think it's going to great though. They usually use a lot from Covey & others.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

@dlabrie Wow. Denver sure blew the Lakers out. Lol.
Angels & Demons was tight. Now Im going to pick up Jemal from my sisters while listening to Kobe come through on the bday promise made to me
Don't be rude and cut off your phone!!!!!!!!
The Transformers trailer is Out of Control.
Did i mention that i went to Lush for some Icy Blue & Wicci bar.
@ghani_gautama @themetrognome @dlabrie @akilthemc Get ready for Bring Your 'A' Game Tour Netherlands!
Now we are off to see Angels & Demons!
I mean who the hell has a $40 bill at damn Rusan's...correction, we have a $40 damn bill. $20 thanks to champ
We won! We beat Rusans! Thanks to Rocky Marcilori we got the bill for less than we originally thought.
Kobe called me and said that he was going to give a bday present, and kick some Denver ass!
I am a social network whore! I belong to so many sites right now; about 20. I update them everyday in one touch.
I just got the first and second seasons of everybody loves raymond and a sushi making kit for my bday. Thanks baby

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's my birthday biotches! 33 years young. That's crazy.
It's about that time to start booking the next tour for late September. Hitting VA, WV, VT, NY, NH, PA & ME.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Laker's depressed me and gave me a migraine tonight. Oh well...Laker's in 6.
Im looking to book some dates in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. Anyone have a connect.
I love the music industry, but I hate the people in it. Does that make sense?
Im a bad guy. I forgot my lil sisters bday a couple of weeks ago.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I just got put onto the Green Lantern trailer.
Here's the funny thing, Ive also been called sweet, humble, and caring.
I've been called obnoxious. So add that to the list with arrogant, smug, and asshole.
There are places in the world where I'm a rap superstar and treated like a king; however, in the A I'm a manager at the best Arby's in GA. Ego deflated. Lol

Friday, May 22, 2009

Im not real big on working overtime, because it means over the time that I'm supposed to work!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can you have car lag? I still haven't recovered from the tour. I feel anemic
Get all 3 three of Quanstar's album at itunes. Quanstar

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WRFG is bangin tonight. HAPPY HIP HOP APPRECIATION WEEK folks. Shout out to Ms Dia
I don't know! It may be a Lakers-Magic championship
The cover to my book "Water From Turnips" due out September 2009;

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its always a beautiful thing when the Lakers win game 1
Damn, no time for relaxing. Dropping @DLabrie off at the airport and get a flat on the highway with no jack in the car

Monday, May 18, 2009

A hectic 2 weeks. Been all up the East Coast, stopped at every toll booth, toured w/ great cats, & played for great fans.
Need 200 more followers at . When I get that, everyone gets a free copy of "Do It!: A Documentary" soundtrack
Wow. I am tired as hell, but there is no time to rest. Conference with our publicist at 8. Planning the next tour. Catch up on 24. Gettin it
Just returned the minivan to Enterprise. Now going to Mc Donalds with the woman and kids.
We just dropped off @Ghani_Gautama and Evaready RAW. Wow, its like Im saying goodbye forever. We spent two weeks in the trenches
Abour and hour and a half from Atlanta
Tonight was extra dope in Raleigh. We played to 17 people. Lol. The soundman was dope though.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Even Jay Z doesnt own a caboat, but my crew and I decided to invest in one. Caboat for life!
What the hell yall know about a caboat I said?
I'm on a caboat biotch!
Leaving Schoolkids Records and heading over to the Pourhouse for set up and sound check
Damn. We're almost here...and on time. First stop, in store performance at Schoolkids Records
The last date TONIGHT at Pour House Music Hall in Raleigh NC @DLabrie @TheMetrognome @Ghani_Gautama @AkilTheMC
Tomorrow I will be home with my lady and kids planning the next move

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Rebel Rousers are pretty hot
One hour to show time at V Club in WV w/ @DLabrie @AkilTheMC @TheMetrognomer @Ghani_Gautama & Rebel Rousers
I miss you too baby
I really miss my kids
I can't believe that we actually ate, showered and are chilling back stage relaxing before our show.
Eating at Golden Corral, and on our way back to the V Club
Ya'll have got to read the blog that I'm going to about this tour
Guess what? Got to West Virginia on time. Setting up now, take a shower, eating, then resting.
We are being fed a great meal, and then we are off to Huntington, WV @ The V Club
The house we stayed at had an after party for us. So I slept in the minivan. That drivers seat is great.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Took a little money off of what they owed us too. That hurt a little.
Wow. We got there at 12 am, and still rocked it though. We were late so we worked some shit out. I pomised that we would come back and do a free show.
Pennsylvania bumpin Chronic and Criminal Minded
Did I tell yall that I backed the rental into a dumpster in Halifax. Had to rig it with duct tape
Welcome to the Bring Your 'Late' Game Tour. Lol
Its so much traffic that i can take time to send yall updates. This shit is ridiculous. 4 hours from VA
I need a tour manager next time
The cats that we came to NY to pick up weren't even at the place that they were supposed to be. Lol.
We ve been in NY for 3 hours trying to get to these dudes. We were so on schedule for the next show.
I thinl that Im the only one that slept
We woke up at 4 am to finish our journey. We have to pick up two in NY. Then off to Awful Arthurs in VA TONIGHT
Got to Tone from Problemaddicts crib around 1 and crashed. I basically drove from Halifax to Mass myself

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tomorrow we play
We had Mexican in Bangor. Now we're headed to the
Problemaddicts crib to crash for a couple hour
They were waiting outside a gas station because they checked out of their mote
We get to the border, and the guy was nice. We picked up @TheMetrognome @DLabrie @AkilTheMC in the next town
We woke up and left Halifax around 8 to be greeted by strong Canadian winds that almost knocked over twice
They put us in the best hotel in the area called The Citadel @ AkilTheMc
Halifax was off the chain. We stayed up with Craig until 5 drinking.
@AkilTheMC Evaready RAW and I tore that shit down last night at The Paragon Theatre
@DLabrie @TheMetrognome @Ghani_Gautama we're on the way. Maaaan Halifax was well worth the border hustle

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

@AkilTheMc, Evaready RAW, and I are going to smash this tonight at The Paragon Theatre in Halifax, NS
On the way to Halifax. Shout to @DLabrie @TheMetrognome & @Ghani_Gautama. We're going to rock for you
We got hear and missed the fucking show. The promoter took care of us though. Shout out to Nayles
So after the 6 hour ordeal that was supposed to take 5 minutes, we finally get across the border
When we get to the Canadian side the lady asked us did they bring out the dogs and frisk us
They let us through when they just recognized that they pulled us over. Then we got back to Canada
We get back to the US border and run up on a blockade with 7 officers in swat gear.
Then we had to find these cats a motel. The first one filled their black quota and didnt have room
Then we get to the US border patrol, and they bring the dogs out on us to sniff us and frisk us
Then she made us take the ones that couldnt cross back to the US side before we could move on.
On top of that they screw us more and charge the three that can cross 150 each rather than 150 total
5 hours at the Canadian Border Patrol to find out that 3 of my crew couldnt cross over minor infractions

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stuck at the border patrol office while they clear our passage, and once again running late
About an hour from the border. Believe it or not, I never played Canada before. So I'm pretty geeked.
Maine is way bigger than I thought. We are 2 hours from the Canadian border
We were so late to the show last night. We missed our set. Akil gave us 25 out of his though to do us.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Im stuck in traffic, my phones about to die, and we are late for set up
On our way to Philly I think. We are so behind schedule. Lol. I need a tour manager next time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Check out the trailer for my boy Vince for his movie Earshot on Youtube
We just finished rockin The Trash Bar. E just closed out the show with Smile In Vain.
This is Evareadys first time playing his hometown. So we're making sure we shut NY down
Just got into Brooklyn. No time for shower. Just change clothes, and go to The Trash Bar. 2 days since one.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just touched down in Bennington for the Sunfestwith barely enough time to set up and rock it
Now its off to Bennington, Vt to headline the Sunfest. Can we get there in 3 hours? We'll see. Lol
About to do an in store at in Boston at 4pm. Pass the post

Friday, May 8, 2009

Wow. I just played to 600 people at the Highher Ground Ballroom in Burlington, VT

Thur May 7th at Positive Pie 2 in Burlington, VT

Vermont is possibly the most beautiful state that I've ever seen. Big shout out to Justin Hoy and Halogen Records for treating us so great.

They fed us, put us up in hotels (that's nothing new). The crowd was extra crunk (which is nothing new). The Problemaddicts, DLabrie, Ghani Gautama, Strength In Numbers, and Akil were all super tight. The difference was the people. We played to the best crowd of 200 people that I ever have in my entire life. Big ups to Montpelier, VT.
Just checked in the hotel in Burlington getting ready to rock with Akil and Immortal Technique

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I rocked itPositive Pie in Montpelier, Vt. Shout out to Halogen Records

The Pourhouse Charleston, SC, Tue May 5th

On Tuesday, we played The Pourhouse in South Carolina, and it was the craziest way to start the tour.
First, the original minivan was trash so we made the rental place give us another one.

Second, DLabrie was 2 hours late to our rendevous.

Third, Akil stays in Douglasville, which is an hour outside of Atlanta in the other direction.

Fourth, we had more people and bags than room in the van.

Fifth, we left Atlanta at 6pm after everything was said and done.

We got there in time to basically hop on stage and rock the show!!!! Thanks Charleston. Now I have to do that god damn 18 hour drive to Vermont