Monday, June 1, 2009

My head hurts

Have you ever wanted something so bad that it makes your head hurt from thinking about? How about your back? How about your knees? Now your chest?

This is me everyday that I wake up and think about working a fucking 10 hour day at Arby's, or the fact that Lori has to get up at 3:30 am in order to feed Jemal so that she could go to stupid ass Starbuck's.

This is me when I think about all of those people that have had my back over the years, and believed in me when they had no reason to: my mom (of course), my sisters and brother, Lori, Ebony, Eric, Sam, Chris, Yahya, D.R.E.S., The Greasekydz, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on. Who the hell am I to not give me all everyday?

This is me when I think about my two boys, and how I am going to show them that no matter the matter the matter the time of day, if you want it you better get it. Who am I not to claim the stars (that's why my name is Quanstar) so that they will claim the galaxy and their children will claim the universe?

And lastly, I put so much on the line and sacrificed just about everything that I held dear to me when I decided to step in this business called music. Why would I not work myself to death?

I'm not saying this to rant or show you all how dedicated I am. I know that I'm the dopest emcee ever...period. I know that I do more with nothing than most people do with everything. I know that I'm a borderline obsessive compulsive, disconnected, introverted, sociopath with a chip on my shoulder.

I'm saying all of this because if I can wake up everyday and do what needs to be done to achieve my dreams, everyone that's reading this can do the same. Get your ass out there and make it happen!

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