Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bootleg cinemas gives Hangover 2 stars up with the very rare extra quasar at the end. This is Quanstar Mr Bluecollar signing off
Tell her about herself homie! Damn bootleg tape didnt show the pics
Is that the wedding singer from old school?
The tux delivery on the highway is kinda dope.
That mercedes is effed up. His father-in-law is going to be pissed!
Damn. They found Doug.
Gosh darn it. Shuuut!
Bootleg tape noise and random bootleg heads in theaters. Lol. Piracy is illegal people. Even if its streamed from China or Russia.
We're the three best friends that anybody could have. The three best friends that anybody could have
This fool is dressed like rainman
That isnt a man purse. Its a purse. I take that back.llits not dope and I dont want one.
Did this fool just piss in Tysons pool? That benz is effed up. Is everybody in Vegas after these cats?
The tiger woke up! Why did they put him in the back seat and not the trunk.
Mike is singing phil collins. Mike knocked dude the hell out.
Wtf? A naked man in the trunk? Lol. What happened? This fool bought a roofy off of somebody in a liquor store?
I think i might let the cops taze me too if that meant i didnt have to go before a judge on stealing a cop car
Did she just pop a boob out? This fool just married a stripper.
This movie is the best. What did these fools do last night? Why is the mexican cartel after them?
This fool got married and didnt remember it. Lol.
At the corner of get a map and fuck off. They left the baby in the car!
Did the bootleg movie skip something?
All clear. He hit the babies head on the police car. Where did the police car come from? Wheres the benz?
These cats got plastered. Bootleg movie camera shift and random heads in the way.
A baby? Thats kinda sick.
Wheres doug? A dentist with no tooth. Lol
Wtf? A tiger son
Wow. A chicken son. That was the best party on the planet
Im a one man wolf pack. Really I am. Im the Lichen King.
Where is my man purse? I think that Im getting one. A manly one of course
Who let the dogs out hoo hoo hoo hoo
He has battered man's syndrome.
This dudes wife had sex with a bartender and she is against him seeing strippers.
This mothereffer has a pager
Masturbation on the plane. Thanks Bin Laden. Lol. Ceasars Palace
I know yall are wondering why it took me so long to see this movie? As mr bootleg I have a solemn vow to see 90% of my movies off download
Bootleg Wed presents: Hangover
Im giving everyone fair warning right now. Play by play of The Hangover will be coming at 10pm
Have a meeting with the company that did the live feed for the Olympics about doing the same for the tour in October. Wish me luck
Why is it such a sty to be truthful with yourself? I know way too many people that live in self-dissolutionment (At times I make up words).
Paradox of the day: Is women's rights and love of porn in direct contradiction of each other?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Looking to throw a private party @ Brio in January, but they havent gotten me the price. How do you not want dinner for 60 & open bar.
Just spent the day with the kids. It was great, but I did absolutely no work.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I just really studied the psychographics of our audience. Wow, I dont think I will ever go by demographics again
What do you want: metiocre children that loved and adored you or aspirers and achievers that hated and resented you for pushing so hard.
Just finished helping my sisters friend move, and now Im off to work from 4-1am and do the entire frickin inventory. Can you say I QUIT!
Note to women: If you are dating a guy and hes too busy to help you move, you shouldnt be dating him
Helping someone move in this hot ass weather when I should be at home with my kids.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Im looking for a female vocalist in the Atlanta area for 2 songs. Would like to get up asap
Im looking for hip hop promoter in Africa.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I came across this sweet site @soundcloud a few months ago thats a must for any artist or producer. Transfer whole wav files no problem
Does anyone have a real psychographic of the hip hop audience? Im looking for a median to compare against a survey of my demographic.
Looking at Tysons greatest hit volume 2 on ESPN 2. They showed this hook he gave Reggie Gross in the first round. Oh how the mighty fell.
Damn. This shit got so good that i forgot to give yall the rest of the play by play. Oh well. Its a recommend.
Oh hes used to be a decepticon but now hes an autobot.
Thats a decepticon! Oh shit
Im going to the aeronautical museum
This muthafucka shocked himself. Lol
What the fuck did dude just do? A sector 7 jock strap?
That dude is in this again! He was funny with that sector 7 in the last movie
Megatron is a beast and a half
President Obama is in Transformers. I take it back. The president is dope until Jr Jemal is Pres of the United Worlds of Earth in 2050
They took dudes parents? Theyre using them as ransom?
The decepticons are coming with a fucking vengence right now
This is the same thing that damaged my childhood. Optimus cant be dead
Im about to cry
Oh shit. Why did Optimus have to die again? Please dont let this be true? I couldnt take it when it happened in the cartoon
Damn ! Optimus is doper than what he was in the movie. Optimus NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Way to come and save him. I knew Optimus would do it
Whoa. Not up the mouth! I take that back. I dont want a car that can transform. This cat went through too much just now
This shit is intense. Optimus come and save him from Megatron
Wow. Call Optimus Prime
I knew it! That shit is crazy
She is in league with the decepticons
They are coming to get the shard
Lol. Dwight from Office. Whats up? How did you get to becoe a college proffessor?
Whoa! Is Megatron back? Star Scream is still a pussy I see
You have to help out Optimus Prime. Our world depends on it.
Dont be letting her get in your car as soon as you meet her. She might be one of those new decepticons.
Ravage got those super guns. What the hell college do these fools go to?
Is that Ravage? Im looking at these as if I hadnt seen the last movie. This one is kind of doper so far though.
She is high as hell
This dudes mom is hilarious.
The President must be a punk in Transformers. He cant be Obama or Jr and Jemal. Didnt yall know that my children were going to world leaders
Tell him Optimus
Please. That dude is a fool. I wish I had a car that can transform and protect me.
Bumblebee sniped the hell out of those mini-decepticons. That dudes mom is psychotic. Lol.
Damn, their whole house is transformers.
Ironhide and sideswipe? This shit already dope... OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!!!
Watching the new transformers at the house. Did I ever mention that Im the bootleg king?
Tune in next wed for the play by play on movie twitter wed with me. The next up is hangover.
Never had this much help putting a tour together before. Kind of twiddling my thumbs right now looking for busy work. Lol
Just went swimming with the family, and now it's back to work
Kinda torn bout MJ. One hand I listened to & idolized as a kid. On the other I have 2 sons & hope it was a painful passing. Wont separate it

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I thought I was friends with African royalty on facebook. I was wrong. Dam'n!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shaq just got traded to to Cleveland...who cares. Ef'em cause it' all about the Lakers baaaaabyyyy!
I kinda hate to watch soccer but I love to watch highlights. The US just beat Spain to advance to the FIFA Confederations cup. That's huge!
Why did one of the marketing people come through the drive-thru then in the store to talk to us wity liquor on her breath
Thought I was supposed to work at 3, but was 2 hours early. They asked me to clock in, but wasn't busy. I laughed, and took my ass home.
Making the psychographics for the sponsorship proposal, and tonight going to pick quotes from past articles.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pelham 123 gets 2 mics up from Quanstar Mr Blue Collar
Why didnt yall like the ending. That movie was tight
Wow. Shoot his ass Garber. Its not a sin if he asks you
Damn, them two dudes went out in blaze of idiotic fuckin glory
Fucking idiot
I know denzels stupid ass isnt going after them. He better take his ass to his family. You got away nigga! Keep going
John Travolta is crazy as hell in this movie. Lol
Trying to wonder if I was put in the situation like Denzel what would I do? I think about others a lot, but i aint nobodys hero. Pelham 123
Why is this fool even talking to her anyway. Idiot. Pelham 123
This dude's girlfriend is stupid. Why is she trying to get this fool to say I love you when hes a hostage. Pelham 123
Bring a gallon of milk home
This Brad Pitt movie is the shit. Inglorious Bastards. Not a huge Quentin Tarantino fan though. Too much senseless gore in his movies
I am definitely going to see Public Enemy. Johnny Dep is dope.
Just saw a sandra bullock movie that i may want to see.
Walking through Lennox, and all of these people I know are walking up to me talking about how Im blowing up. Kinda weird, but feels good.
A day of just me. Going to see Pelham 123, and spend the day the pleasantries of myself at Lennox. Havent done it in a while.
I had an interesting conversation on hate crimes with Lori. I think that theyre bullshit. What do you think?
Norton has got to be the worst virus protection program on the planet.
@MsBlckSummer Ya'll should check out this blog http://ping.fm/3aeRf

Monday, June 22, 2009

Attn all hip hop blogs. Give me your contact. I want to list you
Just deposited my Dads Day presents in the bank, took Jr to Einsteins, Jemal is teething, finishing next article for blog, booking next tour
Woke up by the usual suspects. Jr is having a fruit medley while Jemal is eating avacado. Im having shrimp pizza and coffee w/ a grapefruit

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Had a great Father's Day. My baby cooked me a shrimp and feta pizza from scratch. Jemal is out. Jr's in the bath. Now watching Asura Crying.
Ras Kass with Dre and Mack 10 was that song. http://ping.fm/jgI9F
No...this is the worst ever. I have much respect for Hammer, but this song he did with Prime Time is horrid. http://ping.fm/LxirA
No. I thought Roy Jones, Jr had the worst song ever, but it's not as bad as I remember. http://ping.fm/0ykGj
Dream big! High risk with a solid plan leads to high reward.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY http://ping.fm/Hgr62

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Before I go to bed for real this time I would like to thank everyone thats ever had my back. Im going to pay yall back when I get there.
Tired as hell. Time to go to sleep. Happy Fathers Day!
Watching reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The first season!
I'm looking to hire the services of entertainment industry email lists for Oct tour. Please contact me at first_of_one@hotmail.com
Watching Hammertime. I can't believe that this is the best music business reality show on.
Going out to play baseball with Jr before he goes with his Mimi to a bday party. Happy Father's day to me

Friday, June 19, 2009

Just got home from slangin roast beef. Bout to watch Guin Saga, then do a little work
I cant believe these crazy ass people are spending 40 dollars at the Arbys drive thru. I had four more cars spend 30, 2 more spend 25.
I hate falling short of my expectations for myself.
Good Morning! The asshole formerly known as Janale AKA Quan AKA Quanstar read this article on Bloomberg.com http://ping.fm/GWq0c
Sketching the tours website on poster board. Just finished the page that the live feed will be on. Pretty happy about it. Finish by August

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just finished @bodybreeze biz cards baby. Left the proof up on the desk top for you to check out. Thank Universal Mind Control for that.
I hate Seinfeld, it's retarded; however, Curb Your Enthusiasm is pure genius.
Am I a senior citizen because I believe that Everybody Loves Raymond? Am I right in saying that Friends is retarded?
Its a USA night. First it was burn notice then royal pains. Oh, check out my Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/DUmCm Self centered?
There are no problems...just opportunities to succeed!
Got someone to pick her up. We'll have to tow the car home tomorrow. Time to go car shopping next week. Until then, it's been a while MARTA
Damn. Lori is stuck on the side of the highway. I think the car is done. Making calls to everyone I know to see if they could get her.
Had a short shift. Finish mapping out the tour. My baby is going to make us @100 today at this appointment.
Wow. Minnie is really bringing out those Nina Simone and Donnie Hathaway emotions. I want people to love my music before I die.
Was inspired by @MsDia on WRFG and went to listen to Minnie Riperton as soon as I got home. Silly of me made me shade a tear. Lol. Sample?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Check out this twitterview I did last week. Shout out to @MsBlckSummer http://ping.fm/3n4mB
Off of work, about to give my employee a ride home, and listen to Ms Dia on WRFG
Me now and me in college are two totally different people. I have absolutely nothing in common with the pre 23 year old me. Lol
If one more person tries to talk to me about what they think is real hip hop, and what the culture is all about, I will start singing polka
Get your twitter game up. www.twitter.com/quanstar
Almost time to get off. Its been a slow night.
If you havent already, read The Go Getter
Im putting together my sonicbids pk so that I could apply to A3C.
Is there a such thing as a cautious capitalist? I think that's me. Lol.
Watching 2009 Lakers Championship Parade on @ESPN360
Listening to "What A Job" by Devin The Dude with Snoop and Andre 3000. BTW, check out Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/xaEWm
Sammy Sosa tested positive for steroids, apparently. Is that supposed to be new? I don't understand the pre-2003 obsession with steroids
The baby woke me up yelling like a banshee, wanting to eat. Lol. So we start with the appetizer (bottle) and go to the main course (peas).
Question: If there was a free live feed of concerts with me, Akil, MC Shan, Evaready, DLabrie, & Metrognome would ya'll watch the show?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just did the budget for the tour. I am definitely needing sponsors for this. Lol
95% of people that claim that theyre MC's, publicists, or own a label are full of shit and make it harder for the 5% that hustles.
3 things that you always hear when you're talking about the entertainment industry: I'm an MC, I have a label, & I'm a publicist.
Just closed a new client. Baby, I got us another check. Psssst. Somebody give me some ice because I'm burning hot.
Step into my second to last meeting for the day. Im anout to knockem dead with this presentation.
Now that Jemal is sleep, it's time to start my work day. Tour mapping and budget, booking here and Europe, set up Body Breeze voicemail
Jemal just had a bottle, ate jars each of peas and sweet potatoes, and wanted more! Not having a 70 lb 7 month old so I put him to sleep.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Music is the most fulfilling and disappointing thing in my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. http://ping.fm/rNxxp
After all hes done, there are still people hating on Kobe. Somebody told me that Kobe isn't in the top ten .akers of all time.
Kind of pissed at myself because I didnt do any work for me today, but I took my ass to the job to soang that Roast Beef.
Do you know that there are people that still say Kobe Bryant isn't in the top 10? Don't forget http://ping.fm/UBuQa
Damn. Soccers on. I want to see Skips reaction to his Magic losing.
Strawberry crepes for Jr and my sweetie. Oh, and don't forget to check out the trailer of my movie http://ping.fm/tuvZr

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tyler Perry is in Star Trek?
LAAAAKERRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now go check out the trailer to my film http://ping.fm/8DPk2
Back at the roast beef ranch when I should be with the kids watching The Lakers. Will be quitting soon though, so Im good.

Stein: The man who brought Kobe to L.A. relishing N

Stein: The man who brought Kobe to L.A. relishing N

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Jr is stressing me about watching TV in the living room. Jemal lurched off of the bed to the floor. Good morning people!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm looking to tour Nigeria early next year. Does anyone have a connect?
How many times a week do you have a self evaluation?
Enemies are your most valuable asset. They let you know how successful you are.
Shameless plug: Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/LHako
Its sooooo slow at work. Time is going by so damn slow. I should be at home playing with my kids. I cant wait til Im outta here!
Finally done writing the sponsor package; now it's time for a bath & off to selling R.B. Btw check out http://ping.fm/3n0TR
I watch more sesame street now then I did when I was a kid.
Good morning all! About to make pancakes for Jr and give Jemal his bottle. Then I'm back to working on this tour.

Friday, June 12, 2009

New outlets to show my hip hop documentary

I'm looking for new places to show my hip hop film, "Do It!: A Documentary". Schools and music business events usually work best. Here's the trailer:

I am looking for new places to show my hip hop film, "Do It! A Documentary". See the trailer at http://ping.fm/aLiJ5
Give me $40000 someone.
The funniest thing. Cats in the biz that ignored me now call me a lot, and friends in the biz that called me now ignore me a lot.
Wow. I just went over what I needed to do this month and the next. My plate is so full
Im looking for someone with writing experience that wont mind deferring pay for a few months
Damn. I just woke up. Think Im going to the library

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Now that my Lakers are closing on Sunday, I can go back to writing this sponsorship proposal. BTW, http://ping.fm/GtMlu Shameless?
LAKEEEERRRSSSS! Let's do it. One more to go.
This is the best finals series Ive seen in a long time
11 sec left. Can we do it?
I had to stop working for a minute
Go Lakers!
Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache, carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or greater Benefit.
Napolean Hill
I just recently saw the video where Charles Hamilton got punched in the mouth by that girl. Wow, she slugged him. Lol.
I hope that this isnt it but look in the side door of the car
When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting I go ahead of it and make trial after trial until it comes.
Thomas A. Edison

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Im working on this sponsorship package, and listening to songs for the new albums thats the soundtrack to my book that I have to reedit
Just washed clothes. Waiting for them to dry now.
Used to hate people that brought cryin ass babies to restaurants then I became that parent. Now I hate them even more! Self loathing? Lol.
Right now Im working on the sponsorship package and then I meet with my assistant at 1. Then Italian yogurt. http://ping.fm/najoM
RT @successsecret "Defeat is simply a signal to press onward." Helen Keller. Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/bSuLl

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sometimes I feel like I'm caught in the inevitability of my own insanity.
I just had a meeting, and believe Im about to get 10k
Just got off of work, and now I need to get ready for a couple of meetings tonight. Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/mMvlm
Off to slang those roast beefs today...maybe I can get Arby's to sponsor the next tour. Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/rgRuU

Monday, June 8, 2009

I just finished writing my new bio, and now it's time to go to sleep. Tour's bio tomorrow. Indie Hip Hop 101 http://ping.fm/zqPEJ
'Most miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and seems like work.' Thomas Edison. Hip Hop 101 @ http://ping.fm/eKXfv
1st issue of "Indie hip hop 101" is done. Please read, give feedback, and pass along. Thanks. http://ping.fm/Gf6RY
Why does everyone think that playing shows with MC Shan is so out there? Could someone enlighten me?
Greatness is a gradual process of trial and error, unfortunately so is mediocrity.
I think Im going to about booking a tour with MC Shan. I have to get up with him first though. Lol

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Get your twitter game up. Follow me @ www.twitter.com/quanstar
First leg of the october tour is already booked!
Btw, the first issue of Indie Hip Hop 101 will be online tomorrow.
I think Im going to get season tickets to Lakers games next year. Don't live there anymore but I will go back as much as I can for that.
Wow. That game had me a little scared, and I was just getting the play by play through my cell phone. Still saying Lakers in 5
@chicagorilla I will definitely get up with you homes. You have too much knowledge and hustle for us not be working together
@toneadjusters @dlabrie @ghani_gautama @themetrognome @toneadjusters @ I have the minutes from our conference call on Saturday. Will email.
I have yet to go a day in Atlanta without running into somone that says they rap and is down with Jeezy or TI. Lol.
Message to promoters: stop trying to get me to travel somewhere thats going to cost me money and not offer to compensate me. Not doing it!
@ work doing inventory. Can't wait to go back on tour w/ @akilthemc @dlabrie @themetrognome @ghani_gautama

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Coming in 2 days...Indie hip hop 101! The monthly resource for the independent artist and entertainment professional!
RT @AngieGriffin @minkehanes "Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do." Brian Tracy

Friday, June 5, 2009

You heard it here first: By May 2014 I'm going to net $1,000,000/month.
This just cam to my inbox. Jay Z "Death of autotune" prod. by Kanye West & No ID. http://ping.fm/cLo6n
I am so late for my store meeting. I was doing a presentation though. So they will have to deal with it

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tonight The Lakers just made everyone realize that they are the best team with the best player on the planet!
2 days ago Dwight Howard was supposed to abuse all The Lakers big men.
7 days ago the Nuggets and Lakers series was supposed to go 7 games.
14 days ago was supposed have passed Kobe up as the best player in the NBA.
20 days ago The Nuggets were supposed to beat The Lakers and go to the NBA championship.
40 days ago The Lakers were soft and The Cavs were the best team in the playoffs.
I like Iron Chef and the Food Network, but most of the food that's on there is impractical. Chocolate barbeque sauce?
I think Im going make a sweet potato souffle this weekend.
After being on Casual Conversations and talking about the music industry, I decided to do a weekly blog on my experiences in the business
Lost 10 pounds and counting!
@Dlabrie @TheMetrognome The best shows that I've ever played were places like Idaho, Montana, N Mexico, W Virginia, and Vermont.
My friend just asked me if i wanted to do a song with Donnie. Of course I said hell yeah.
I am watching the anime Requiem for the Phantom, Bleach, and Naruto Shippuden. English subtitles are better than English subs
I don't know why people use Internet Explorer anymore. The plug-ins and add-ons on Firefox exceed anything Explorer can.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

@msdia Butterflies is the best song on invincible
Just got off of work. I can't wait until July 27th and Im done!
I just had a couple of productive meetings with consultants on angles to get sponsorship dollars.
Slangin beef aint no joke
Got a lot of work done thanks to Google (aka Illuminati) translator. Have to close these European dates for Nov. Now I'm off to slang R.B.
GM is in chapter 11.
@msdia @chigorilla Im at WRFG right now. Shout to Casual Conversations

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is it the man in me that won't let another dude raise his voice at me like I'm his kid?
Is it the man in me that can't tell the difference between and and in? Lol
Is it the man and me that gets upset with my woman for taking out the trash?
Is it the man in me that won't let my woman pump the gas herself?
Is it the man in me that works hard to always make more money than his woman?
"On the back of the dollar is We Trust In God, but controlled by the self-righteous so that must seem odd."

American Dream (first verse and hook)

American Dream I was starting to see,
try and touch it before it turns into a memory,
but the problem exceeds race color and creed,
will prevent us to be free by the powers that be,
shout out to the projects and trailer parks,
get us to blame each other and play the strings of our heart,
the war is won in the temple so they keep us apart,
make us victims so we can't see who the enemies are,
like Black folks druggies criminals and violent,
White racist oppressive and tyrant,
the Mexicans are taking our jobs is what they say sir,
then ship the factories off to Far-east Asia,
pension drying up got me looking around,
telling me it's from the poor folks buying a house,
can't even get health care and bailing the banks out,
as they feast on their tables from the crumbs out our mouth.

That's the way that it is even though it won't seem,
you see everyone is wanting this American Dream,
from the blue collar cat to a college degree,
from the preacher in the pulpit to the cat on the street,
I'm a keep it in my hand and they try and take it from me,
but I ain't letting go of this American Dream,
I know we're going to make it we just got to believe,
so we keep on fighting for this American Dream.
The Art of Public Speaking http://ping.fm/MzGzC

The Course in Mastery Day 23: Speaking in Public - United States, MasteryTV Video - Create Wealth. Have Fun. Help Others.

The Course in Mastery Day 23: Speaking in Public - United States, MasteryTV Video - Create Wealth. Have Fun. Help Others.

Shared via AddThis

I just the greatest meal on the planet for my baby. Tuna baked chicken, zuchini, banana fritters, corn on the cob.

Oprah and The Law of Attraction

Nnamdi Asamugha of the Raiders is the top rated player in the game.
Download "Do It!: A Documentary soundtrack" free. P.S. I support piracy and bootleggin so pass it along. http://ping.fm/Cd9Xg

Monday, June 1, 2009

Someone called me lucky, and almost got smacked. Luck is for idiots that are scared to be more than mediocre. Bust ass, and thank God.

My head hurts

Have you ever wanted something so bad that it makes your head hurt from thinking about? How about your back? How about your knees? Now your chest?

This is me everyday that I wake up and think about working a fucking 10 hour day at Arby's, or the fact that Lori has to get up at 3:30 am in order to feed Jemal so that she could go to stupid ass Starbuck's.

This is me when I think about all of those people that have had my back over the years, and believed in me when they had no reason to: my mom (of course), my sisters and brother, Lori, Ebony, Eric, Sam, Chris, Yahya, D.R.E.S., The Greasekydz, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on. Who the hell am I to not give me all everyday?

This is me when I think about my two boys, and how I am going to show them that no matter the circumstance...no matter the issue...no matter the time of day, if you want it you better get it. Who am I not to claim the stars (that's why my name is Quanstar) so that they will claim the galaxy and their children will claim the universe?

And lastly, I put so much on the line and sacrificed just about everything that I held dear to me when I decided to step in this business called music. Why would I not work myself to death?

I'm not saying this to rant or show you all how dedicated I am. I know that I'm the dopest emcee ever...period. I know that I do more with nothing than most people do with everything. I know that I'm a borderline obsessive compulsive, disconnected, introverted, sociopath with a chip on my shoulder.

I'm saying all of this because if I can wake up everyday and do what needs to be done to achieve my dreams, everyone that's reading this can do the same. Get your ass out there and make it happen!
How much are willing to give up to get where you need to be?
Am I too cocky if I tell people that I am the American Dream?...what if I say that everyone reading this is too?